12:3 Creations

Why the name 12:3 Creations?

It’s as easy as 1-2-3. From the gathering in The Upper Room with the 12 Disciples to the 3 Crosses at Calvary, Jesus was there. He was the center of it all. He was nailed to that middle cross and hung there from 12:00 pm until 3:00 pm in the afternoon. He was there for each and every person then, just like He is there for each and every one of us now.

We know that Jesus died at 3:00 pm in the afternoon. That was what the enemy thought of as the end. However, it was only the beginning! The Bible also says Jesus was born in a stable at night. While we can’t prove it, I am convinced that Jesus was born at 12:00 am. A new birth with a new start in a plan written perfectly and designed by God. We celebrate a brand-new day beginning at 12:00 am. We also celebrate New Year’s Eve at 12:00 am. It just makes sense that Jesus was born at 12 and the stroke of midnight when we celebrate His birth at Christmas!

12:3 Creations began without even knowing it was happening. From a twist of unforeseen events, God is making something good from something meant for harm. To say our God is the most caring, compassionate, grace filled friend a person could ever have is an understatement. He is truly a God of second chances. This business is an example of that. Once again, Jesus is the center of it all.

Our Mission statement is “To love and serve God while loving and serving the community of both believers and non-believers through unique spiritual gifts designed to enlighten, edify and enrich a person’s soul.”

1-2-3. Get it?!?! While it signifies the business 12:3 Creations, more importantly it is also a way for you to take 3 simple steps and live for Christ.

1) Admit you’re a sinner

2) Believe Jesus died on the Cross to cover our sins

3) confess that Jesus is Lord

Simple as that. Wherever you are at, you will receive a brand-new start and a second chance. You will truly begin to live a spirit filled life with an abundance of peace. 

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